The Chandler markets run every Sunday from 6am to 1pm. I had found it listed on the web, and also had it recommended to me by my aunt Helena (who we'll meet again later). I had been thinking about doing it all last week, and on Saturday I made the decision and rang up to book a space. It cost $25 to book - which may seem like a lot, but I figured for 7 hours of entertainment and the chance of making some fast cash it was a bargain. As it turned out, I made that back within minutes of reaching my spot.
Luckily I had borrowed a fold-out table and two tarps from the aforementioned aunt Helena (who had decided she would join me a bit later to flog a few things of her own), otherwise everything would have been on the bitumen. I started setting up a very basic, and in fact rather dodgy display.
At first light, it looked like this:
I'd heard this many times before but I can now attest to the truth that markets do their best business in the wee hours. I most definitely sold the lions' share of my crap between 5:30am and 8:30am.
This is what the stall looked like by about 10am:
As you can see, the two framed prints are the most noticeable missing items; sold for $15 each to two different people. Nice. By this time I'd also flogged a whole lot of books, although sadly not my nice Hollywood Portraits series (they would prove impossible to sell). I'd also sold my brother's stereo, which he'd passed to me to sell, as well as a petrol-powered remote-controlled car, which went about an hour after this. All up I made my brother $295 - and yes, I did take a handlers' fee!
By 11:30am, the clouds were looking ominous (although being without cover the blockage of the hot sun was most welcome), and the crowd had really dropped off. I did sell a few more things over the next hour, but it was more sporadic, and I began the slow process of packing up. Here's my cousin Tiffany (Helena's eldest daughter, who'd been dropped down only to find herself sent on hot chip-buying errands by her hungry cousin), amidst the half-packed up site:
It was all over red rover well before 1pm, but we stayed anyway, mostly hoping someone might come along and buy some things for cheap, to save us having to cart them back to the car. No luck there, so we packed up - along with everyone else. I thanked Helena and Tiffany for their time and effort, and vowed to return to flog off the crap I still had left over - as well as boxes more of the stuff still in storage at my Mum and Dad's place.
(And you can even see the mighty Hummer in the background.)
Next time, Gadget, next time...