Jun 15, 2007

Pleading the fifth...

...9am today. State Executive Building.

Five in a row. That's it, Beattie, you officially love the media gallery too much. ;)

My presence being required at 100 George Street necessitated my absence from a photo shoot with City News for the Briz Improv Fest, which I'd organised. Ah well, no skiving off work for me. Still, there were more than enough keen improvisers in attendance, and in fact three of them missed out on getting their pics taken. Whoops! At least they can't say I was under-prepared.

The festival itself starts next Friday 22 June - my goodness, where did all that time go? However, we've still managed to get the word out a bit, so here are some things to keep an eye out for:
  • Sunday Mail "IE" section - interview with Rebecca de Unamuno and pics
  • City News - pics
  • Big Weird podcast - interview with Jenny Wynter
  • 4BC - me blatantly plugging the festival during my movie review segment, Wednesday 2:30pm on 1116AM. Ticket giveaways!
  • 4ZZZ - impro hour with Jenny & visiting performers. Friday 22 June from 4pm on "The Frog and Peach" show. Again, more ticket giveaways!
Ummm... what else can I mention? Oh yeah! Life on Mars rocks - Greg and I have just finished watching this great BBC show, and we are officially in the Gene Hunt fan club (that's a quote of his currently on the GirlClumsy masthead). I'm also loving the work of John Simm, who played the central character in Life on Mars, and will be shortly taking pride of place in Season Three of Doctor Who. Will he be the master of his own domain? (Ahem, ahem!) Last week's Doctor Who fan night almost ended in tears when Luke and the fiend got into an argument over which of the current series' is the best. Seriously, it was almost nerdicuffs.

As you might have noticed, El Rancho de Chateau Clumsy is a very geeky place to be.