Jul 4, 2008

Well Heeled

The short film I shot back in May is now online - enjoy, and let me know what you think!


  1. For some reason I find it hilarious that guy has a power-tail. Not that I can talk.

    Great acting btw Nat. It's very hard to get stuff across without dialogue, but you did a great job here.

  2. Ha. Excellent. And yeah, nice acting.

    Got to admit though, the best shoes won. Man, those little tiny padlocks and those towering heels... phwoar.

  3. Now there's a movie for me... about shoes! I can watch Kinky Boots over and over.

    Great fun, but it all got creepy with the banana and the musk stick.

    The "killer shoes" weren't a patch on those last red ones!

  4. The use of the Mac displays GirlClumsy's amazing acting talent.

    Only her unholy acting talent stopped her from headbutting the vile white machine and throwing it our the window


  5. Only the great Calculon himself can beat my "unholy acting talent!"

    Believe me, I washed my hands after every scene tapping away at that Mac. ;)

    And sorry Sleepy Dumpling, but how can you possibly think innocent musk sticks and bananas are creepy? ;)

    Those last shoes I wear are actually mine - except they're hot pink in real life! (Dang camera filters). They're gorgeous, but impossible to wear for more than 10 minutes!

  6. The musk stick/banana was a diversion I didn't need :)

    Can I tell people I know a movie star now?

  7. What's with you Mac haters?

    Good job Nat :)
    Your actoring was top notch!

    But the banana thing was weired who impresses the ladies by doing that with a banana?

    But then the foot dude came along... *shudder*

  8. You are a very naughty girl Natalie, I think I will tell your

  9. It's the sleazy banana peeling like it was some kind of phallic object. I'm with wonton. The musk stick just took it that incy wincy bit further down the "let's waggle phallic things at one another." road.

    Hot pink is good too. My two favourite colours, red and pink. Delicious.

    You have cute little feet by the way. Well all feet are little compared to mine!

  10. Great job Nat! I could never do that - my feet are about as delicate as an Elephant's donger.

    I have to say too your musk stick was quite far from innocent my dear!! :)

  11. so the girly/fem fatale fruit shop owner liked your feet rite?

    terrific cleavage nat..

    little doubt your the abigail of 4bc..

    say gday to the sultan for me.

    have a safe and terrific trip

  12. Well I suppose that the Musk Stick and the Banana were not in the alternate hands. It would have been into Wild Australian Girls in minutes (Not that I know anything about those sort of websites...of course)
    It also proves that a foot fetishist is a cheaper option than a shoe fetishist.
    Well done Nat enjoy Croatia Scotland and Dr Who

  13. Look... I thought it was a little flat much like the Mac screen. Chin up though, because as you get older there's always room for improvement. I still like your voice.

  14. The Wah wins with his comment! ;)

    Maybe I need to get out more but it was very interesting to watch a short movie with no dialogue but still be able to work out what is going on!

    Great job, Nat!

    If we are going to talk shoe fetishes, FMB's FTW!!

  15. I did enjoy the piece.. Had me smiling.. I was wondering when the thigh high FMB's were coming tho...

    Padlocked shoes were a little more subtle I suppose.

    Given that I know a few folks that like those sort of shoes, and the whole hmmmmmmmmmm arrrrghhhhhhh shoeeees sort of thing, I have posted the link on!!!

    Nice work too.... and delightfull little pinkies as well!! :)
