I was supposed to be doing some phone crosses for the radio station as part of its outside broadcast at the "Courier-Mail Home and Design Expo" at the Convention Centre. But it had been cancelled that morning due to technical difficulties, and the afternoon show producer (the delightful NatV) hadn't been told anything about my presence there.
I hung around for an hour - checking out the orthodics display, taking a brochure for an LED lights company, and falling in love with the whole body vibrating "Health Station" exercise machine (a great temptation even at $1500; only convinced otherwise by a phone call to my fitness freak brother. "If you buy that, I'll bash you" was his succinct assessment).

Some sort of inflatable fun-worm, with the kids entering through the mouth, then working their way through the Hungry Caterpillar's digestive system before exiting from.... ah... well, you get the idea from the picture.
I wonder if the parents of the kids being rectally discharged from a would-be butterfly appreciated the full horror of this seemingly cute playtime adventure. Much as I would have enjoyed attempting my own fantastic voyage, I surmised my size might see me tear the caterpillar a new one, and I couldn't risk committing an act of animal cruelty surrounded by avid nature lovers.
The afternoon concluded with me stopping in at Myer and purchasing two pairs of shoes as an early birthday present to myself. Coincidentally, it cost around the same amount of cash that I would have earned had the promo work gone ahead. Oh well, easy come easy go.
So the end result was you got in some therapeutic shopping and was able to justify it by:
ReplyDelete"What I have just spent was what I would have earned...Ergo I have not lost any money, just broken even, taking into account the fact that I should have been paid for today"
Secondly: I needed the therapeutic shopping having just seen children being extruded from a would be butterfly's bum
ReplyDeleteA very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you
Did you notice that they had the Hare Krishna vegetarian stall RIGHT NEXT TO the organic beef stall? Who planned that layout???
ReplyDeletesea sponges as we all know exist..i wonder how much deeper the ocean would be if they didnt?