Nov 5, 2008

That'll do, America, that'll do

Today marks the second time in my life when I can honestly say I watched history unfold.
The first was September 11, 2001.

Today's election of Barack Obama as President is a far, far more preferable experience. His acceptance speech was one of the best public addresses I've ever seen - I felt proud and happy, and I'm not even American. Watching Obama with his Vice-President Joe Biden and their families hug and wave in front of the hundreds of thousands in Grant Park, Chicago was beautiful to watch. I'm so glad so many were able to share in such a positive moment.

So, congratulations, USA. You've done a lot today to redeem yourselves, and I'll refrain from making any jokes about Yanks for the next 48 hours.

It is interesting to wonder though - would we have wound up with a President like Obama had we not gone through the purgatory of George W. Bush in the first place? (And I don't simply mean "a black man" - I mean a man of intelligence and reason, who puts hope before fear).