Jun 13, 2009

Domestic Effing Goddess

First, I conquered my baking curse with this delightfully baking-soda-free batch of "mini-scones":

Then, remembering we had a fresh Jap waiting to be used (courtesy of The Wah's mysterious sire, The Ancient Man), I backed up to create a delicious pumpkin & chickpea dip:

Then I dolled myself up all nice and pretty, and went out to one of those funky young people's clubs where they do young people's things and listen to young people's music with the doof-doofing and the $17 vodka mixers and the INCESSANT MOBILE TWEETING.

Actually I stayed in, put a rinse through my hair, a clay mask on my face, and watched David Starkey:

Just call me Nigella, folks. Just call me Nigella.


  1. Only you could pull the facial mask off and still look fabulous, GC!

  2. waay to serious GC, you look like "if you touch those scones before our guests come wah, it'll be back to the cupboard under the stairs for you"

  3. My wife won't let me see her when her mask is on. I've literally never seen her look like that.

  4. "Then, remembering we had a fresh Jap waiting to be used"

    What's that, then? Somebody explain to the Yank, please. Because I picture this sentence:

    'That's our new gardener, Matsumoto. We worked him to death today.'

    Sorry. The 'political correctness' chip must have melted.

  5. I'm guessing a Japanes pumpkin YDog.

    Nigella that is a serious look, I promise not to sneak a scone.

  6. Yes, indeedy - a Jap pumpkin.


    Very tasty.

    Do you know though - I was going for a look of "sad and pathetic, staying at home Saturday night" etc etc.

    I think this proves that I'm quite the terrible actor.

    No wonder people think I'm angry all the time. I'm not - I'm just feeling very useless!

  7. What with the language and the look (which is either pre or post crypt) you seem more Gordon than Nigella.
    Actually the look makes me understand why The Wah looks so pale some days. "Blood, blood, I must haf blood!!!!
    Glad you were able to get some use from the "fresh Jap" but where is our 10%
    By the way Mrs Ancient wishes to inform you that she grew the pumpkin and that Mr Ancient had nothing to do with it
    The Ancient Man

  8. Whoops, apologies there to My Lady the Wah's Mother.

    There is still a bunch of pumpkin & chickpea dip left; I'll put some in a container for you.

    Also - enough with the insults!!! ;)
