Jan 25, 2010

I Got Nothing

Nada. Zip. Zilch. Squat. Big Fat Zero.

My mind is all theatre, performance and writing at the moment. I can't think of other topics that even sound interesting. You don't want to read about my creative shenanigans anymore - I've put up heaps of posts about all the stuff I do and you've either come to see it, made up your mind to come see it - or not. I shouldn't BADGER you anymore.

So. Time for you to badger me.

I know this is a cheap blogging trick, but I'm putting the call out for ideas. Suggestions. Demands. Inquiries. Hints. Tips. Topics. Questions. Whatevers.

Leave a comment. Ask me to write about something - anything - and I'll see if I can pull a few coherent thoughts out of my brain.
