Apr 12, 2011

Build the Clumsy Playlist

I bought my second Apple product recently - an 8GB iPod Nano. My old mp3 player was just starting to conk out everytime I moved suddenly, and having a MacBook now, I just decided I may as well pip for an iPod.

I was just going to get a Shuffle, but you know what convinced me to go for the Nano?

The inbuilt pedometer function.

Yep, that's right, I'm that easily upsold.

Still, I've been enjoying the pedometer function - realising just how sedentary my job can be, and trying to be a bit more active and get closer to that 10,000 steps per day target I've heard so much about.

Slightly more problematic is the actual MUSIC content of the iPod.

The move to an Apple MacBook computer meant losing all my music - not that it was a particularly huge collection, but still, it was something. The iPod has forced me into the rather scary world of iTunes, but all I've managed is to register for a few podcasts.

My friend Dan very kindly sent me Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster album as a gift, which has been awesome. Have I mentioned before how much I love Lady Gaga? She's fabulous, and I tell you, I get more steps on the pedometer when I'm pounding along listening to a bit of "Ga-ga-ooh-la-la/want your bad romance".

Remember kids, when you get out of the egg,
don't forget to slip, slop, slap.

Dan also sent me a bunch of free songs from the internet, which mostly consisted of Jonathan Coulton numbers and other whimsical parody songs. Apart from that, I've got NO music.

So here's a challenge for you - help me build a music collection.

But... there's a catch (It's GirlClumsy, there's always a catch).

See, I found out that these days, people are all ethical and shit. People actually BUY their music now. I mean, what is this, a new Dark Ages?

Now I simply don't have to sort of moola it would require to buy all of your favourites - or indeed, my own.

So you get ONE song.

Leave a comment, telling me ONE song that I should download - and why. Any genre, any style, any artist, any era. It can be a favourite song of yours, or simply a song you think I would like. Either way, you have to make a call.

I will then buy - yes, BUY - all the songs I get from registered commenters, and write up what I think of each song. I'm afraid I can't accept suggestions from "Anonymous" commenters, because it could be one person making lots of recommendations.



What will it be?